Sponsorship Application

HomeSponsorship Application

We are constantly thrilled to discover and connect with emerging tattoo artists. Currently, we have a sponsorship project with an annual budget of $80,000. We are eager to invite outstanding tattoo artists to provide their valuable insights on our Tattoo Machines, Needles, and other accessories. Your expertise will greatly contribute to elevating the quality and recognition of GMK products. We genuinely appreciate the artistry in your work and are excited to see how your unique perspective can help us grow and reach more tattoo artists around the world.

“However, before we make a sponsorship decision, we require tattoo artists to fill out a profile form. This process will assist us in identifying those artists who are most aligned with our brand and who would make the most of this sponsorship opportunity. We are eager to learn more about your unique style, experience, and vision for the future of tattoo art. This information will help us ensure that our support is directed towards artists who share our commitment to excellence and innovation in the tattoo industry.”

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